Message from our Team Rector
Dear friends
At the end of the 10.30am Service on Sunday 28th January 2024 I made this announcement:
This announcement will be difficult for me to say and may be difficult for some of you to hear.
When I came to this parish at the beginning of 2018 as a Placement Student on the path to ordination, I knew I had been welcomed by a special community. Becoming your Curate and being able to serve here during the pandemic was a privilege, and when I was inducted as your Team Rector in September 2022 I knew that I wanted to stay here till I retired, whenever that was going to be.
But sometimes life changes in ways one can’t anticipate. Some of you may know that my partner, the Revd Sue Hammersley, will be leaving St Mark’s and that her last services there are today. After some time off Sue will be taking up a new post, as the Executive Director and Community Leader of Holy Rood House, a Retreat Centre in Thirsk, North Yorkshire. This means that I will be leaving, too. My last service here at St Aidan’s will be on the 28th April 2024, and we will be moving to Holy Rood House sometime later in May where I will be part of the Chaplaincy Team.
My overriding sense at the moment is gratitude for all that has been. I feel truly blessed to be your Rector and part of this community! Leaving will be hard.
May we face the changes which lie ahead of us with grace and lovingkindness.