Ark at home - Sunday 5th April 2020
Welcome to ARK at home! We hope you are all well and are managing to occupy yourself and keep safe. We have tried to make it as much like ARK as possible, so please get your families to join in and enjoy!
Song: Our God is a great big God
Being thankful:
Claire: "For me, I’m thankful for the small things. More family time. A warm house. My cup of coffee in the morning. A lovely view from my kitchen window. Technology to stay connected with people."
Justin: " That God is here to help us fight Corona virus."
Leo: "That God is keeping our families safe from Corona virus."
Imose: "for Peppa Pig"
Confession: Dear God, we are sorry for doing wrong things. Please forgive us. Help us to forgive those who are unkind to us. Amen.
Absolution: If we say that we are sorry, God forgives. If we say that we are sorry, God forgives. If it's big or if it's small, God will still forgive us all. If we say that we are sorry, God forgives!
Talk: The story of Easter: the triumphant entry
Have a think about what your favourite part of the video is. What part do you think is the most important? Are there any parts you would leave out? Discuss these with your family.
Activities: We have tried to keep it simple because we dont know what materials you have access to. See the pictures below for some ideas of crafts you can make. You can, of course, completely free style and come up with your own!
Show and tell: Please send us a picture of what you do for the crafts this week. We have been sent some lovely pictures from Malakie and Abi, and we can't wait to display them for you all to see! Also, let us know what you have been doing to keep busy!
Pray a sentence for the world. Now pray a sentence for England. Pray a sentence for Sheffield. Finally, pray a sentence for yourself and those near you. Amen.
You could also send a text message or email to someone you know who might be feeling lonely or sad whilst we aren't able to visit people.
The Lord's prayer:
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed by your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.
Song: My Lighthouse
Blessing: The Lord bless us and keep us, the Lord make his face to shine on us and be gracious to us. Amen.
Don't forget to have a biscuit and a drink!
With love,
Sheffield Manor Parish Ark Leaders