Help S2 Foodbank This Christmas
In 2020, they provided 215 families with the food needed to cook a traditional Christmas meal. They also made sure that every child had a really good present. Someone kindly donated 85 hand-knitted warm hats and one family with 4 children went home with one each!
Will you to help make Christmas special for others this year? You can donate for the Christmas Food Parcels - see list for items needed, or you could give a child a Christmas Shoebox
The children would love to receive a shoebox, lovingly filled with gifts and treats so, you will need to find a shoebox and cover it with Christmas gift wrap, . Please do not secure the box lid and add a label, clearly marked Girl or Boy , age 3-5, 5-7 or 7-9years.
Acceptable gifts include :- warm gloves or mittens, socks, hat, sweets, chocolate, colouring /activity book, crayons, along with treats and toys suitable for the child’s age.
Your donations and shoeboxes can be brought to St Aidan’s Church on Sundays, or contact Sue Williams by text, WhatsApp or call 07788857237 to arrange collection.